Monday, November 06, 2006

Star Wars: Battlefront II (Lucasarts)
The original Battlefront was released in the fall of 2004 and went on to become the best-selling Star Wars game ever. The sequel promises to do for this game what Empire did for the films: elevate it to the level of a classic. For the first time, players will be able to assume the personas and combat abilities of the iconic heroes and villains--everything from a jetpack-enabled Boba Fett to Darth Vader (with Force Choke!). But the bigger news is the addition of space-based vehicle battles, so you can finally do some real-time online dogfighting. If you're dying to, say, "Lock S-foils in attack position!" as you plunge your X-wing toward a hapless group of TIE fighters, this is the game for you.


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